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Grey spectrum, Kim Nuijen, artist, photographer, greycard, media, installation, Beers gallery, Londen, Josilda da Conceicao, Amsterdam

As a photographic tool the grey card has one job; display an exact mid grey that gives a photo a correct exposure and colour correction. The card is a visual norm that guarantees a visual resemblance between the object and the image. The grey card embodies the illusion that reality can be depicted.


But as we fail to depict an object, we invent new realities.

The installation visualizes the colour variations found amongst grey cards in the physical and digital world through sculptural color swatches of real grey cards and a screen installation on which colour samples of digital grey card’s (product photography) pulsate.


These mid grey tones are both non-existent and very real; they visualise a hyperreality where objects and images trick us into thinking they’re real – becoming a model for reality. The work disconnects the viewer from a point of reference – leaving him questioning what he perceives to be real as the grey card is no longer a norm in itself, but its own imitation.

The development of this project was possible with the financial support of Stichting Stokroos.

Grey spectrum

Click on the images to enlarge

Specs: Grey spectrum, 2019, 56 colour samples, video wall on five 49” screens, 4 sec., looped.

Installation view Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam NL, 2019.

Installation view Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam NL, 2019.

Grey spectrum, installation, media art, Kim Nuijen, Josilda da Conceicao gallery, Amsterdam

Installation view at Josilda da Conceicao gallery, Amsterdam NL, 2019.

Simulations of a grey card, test image,
Simulations of a grey card, installation

Left: Research image, overlapping grey cards, December 2019

Right: Grey card on pedestal, installation view September 2019, Josilda da Conceicao Gallery.

All rights reserved ©Kim Nuijen 2024

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